Inhibition of Naja nigricollis Venom Phospholipase A2 by Ethylacetate Extract of Solanum dasyphyllumSchum and Thonn leaf

An In-vitro and In-silico Approach


  • Rofiat Adewunmi Baba-Ahmed University, Kano. Author
  • Hassan Yesufu University of Maiduguri Author
  • Gidado Abubakar University of Maiduguri Author
  • Joy Stephen Pudza Al-Ansar University Maiduguri Author



Solanum dasyphyllum, envenomation, molecular docking, chromatography, NMR, Inhibition.


Introduction: Snakebite envenomation is an acute medical emergency, particularly in the tropics, and clinical treatment is through the administration of antivenom. However, given the limitations of conventional antivenoms, the plant kingdom is being explored for possible antivenom compounds. The aim of this study was to evaluate the phospholipase A2 inhibitory potential of ethylacetate extract of Solanum dasyphyllumand to isolate the compound responsible for the antivenom activity.

Materials and Method: The leaves of S. dasyphyllum were extracted, phytochemical constituents were screened and phospholipase A2 enzyme inhibition study was carried using standard methods. The ethylacetate extract was subjected to various chromatographic techniques to isolate the antivenom compound, and the structure was determined using HNMR and CNMR spectra. The proposed structure of the isolated compound was used for molecular docking study with cobra venom phospholipase A2

Results: The result of phospholipase A2 enzyme inhibition shows that different concentrations of 2 ethylacetate extract of S. Dasyphyllum significantly inhibited the activity of phospholipase A2 in N. nigricollis venom. Chromatographic investigations of the extract lead to the isolation of methyl linolenate, and a strong interaction with the enzyme active site and a binding energy of -6.60 kca/mol was recorded when docked with cobra phospholipase A2 enzyme, thereby making it a potential inhibitor of the enzyme.

Conclusion: Conclusively, ethylacetate extract of S. dasyphyllum demonstrated a significant inhibition of phospholipids A2 enzyme and this finding suggests that methyl linolenate may be a potential inhibitor of phospholipase A2 and could possibly lead to the development of a drug to treat snakebites.


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How to Cite

Adewunmi R, Hassan Yesufu, Gidado Abubakar, Joy Stephen Pudza. Inhibition of Naja nigricollis Venom Phospholipase A2 by Ethylacetate Extract of Solanum dasyphyllumSchum and Thonn leaf: An In-vitro and In-silico Approach. AJTMBR [Internet]. 2025 Jan. 28 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];7(1):40-5. Available from: