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Author Guidelines

The African Journal of Tropical Medicine and Biomedical Research (AJTMBR) is a peer-reviewed journal dedicated to publishing high-quality research in the fields of tropical medicine and biomedical sciences. Authors submitting manuscripts to the journal must adhere to the following guidelines to ensure a smooth review and publication process.

1. General Submission Requirements

  • All manuscripts must be original and should not have been published or submitted for publication elsewhere.
  • A copyright transfer agreement must be signed by the authors upon acceptance, transferring ownership of the work to AJTMBR.
  • Manuscripts must include the full names, affiliations, and contact details (including email addresses and phone numbers) of all authors.
  • The journal follows a rigorous peer-review process, and acceptance is subject to editorial discretion based on reviewer recommendations.
  • Submission of an article does not guarantee publication.

2. Plagiarism Policy

  • All submissions undergo a plagiarism check using standard plagiarism detection software.
  • A similarity index of ≤20% is acceptable.
  • A similarity index between 21–40% will require authors to revise and resubmit the manuscript.
  • Manuscripts with a similarity index >40% will be rejected outright, and the authors' institutions may be notified.
  • The plagiarism check will flag any sequence of five or more matching words for review.

3. Manuscript Preparation

Formatting Requirements

  • Manuscripts should be typed double-spaced with 2.5 cm margins.
  • Use Times New Roman, 12-point font.
  • The preferred file format is Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx).
  • Do not include author names, affiliations, or acknowledgments in the main manuscript file. These should be submitted separately.

Required Submission Components

Each section should be submitted as a separate document with an appropriately titled filename. To ensure an efficient review and evaluation process, the following materials should be uploaded as separate documents:

1. Title Page (Submitted Separately, Not in Main Manuscript)
  • Manuscript title
  • Full names of all authors
  • Institutional affiliations
  • Corresponding author’s contact details (email, phone number)
  • Three to six keywords for indexing
2. Figures and Tables (Uploaded Separately in High-Resolution Formats)
  • Figures: JPEG, PNG, TIFF, or EPS format
  • Tables: Word (.docx) or Excel (.xlsx)
  • Each figure and table must be referenced in the main manuscript
3. Research Instruments (If Applicable)
  • Questionnaires
  • Survey forms
  • Interview guides
4. Research Materials (If Applicable)
  • Laboratory protocols
  • Experimental setups
  • Intervention descriptions
5. Research Results (If Applicable)
  • Raw findings
  • Observational data
  • Transcripts (Interviews, Focus Group Discussions)
6. Data Analysis (If Applicable)
  • Statistical calculations
  • Software output
  • Interpretation of results
7. Dataset (If Applicable)
  • Spreadsheets
  • Codebooks
  • Supplementary numerical data
8. Source Texts (If Applicable)
  • Historical records
  • Comparative texts used in the study
9. Other Supporting Materials
  • Any additional documents relevant to the manuscript

4. Specific Manuscript Components

Title Page (Submitted as a Separate Document)

To ensure a double-blind review, the Title Page must be submitted separately from the main manuscript. It should include:

  • Manuscript title and subtitle
  • Full names of all authors
  • Author affiliations
  • Corresponding author details (name, email, phone number)
  • Three to six keywords for indexing

Main Manuscript File (Blinded for Review)

The main manuscript file should not contain any identifying information about the authors. Ensure that all mentions of author names, affiliations, and acknowledgments are removed.


A structured abstract of no more than 250 words, divided into the following sections:

  • Introduction
  • Materials and Methods
  • Results
  • Conclusion

5. Article Types and Word Limits

  • Original Research: Reports on empirical studies, including quantitative and qualitative research. Maximum 3,000 words (excluding abstract, references, tables, and figures).
  • Review Articles: Comprehensive reviews of relevant topics in tropical medicine and biomedical sciences. Maximum 3,000 words.
  • Short Reports: Concise descriptions of preliminary findings or case studies. Abstract limited to 150 words; manuscript limited to 2,000 words.
  • Commentaries and Editorials: Perspectives on topical issues in the field. Maximum 2,000 words.

6. Tables and Figures

  • Must be submitted as separate files (not embedded in the manuscript) and clearly labeled.
  • Must be referenced within the text(as shown in Table 1” or “see Figure 2”).
  • Colored images may be printed in black and white unless color printing is essential.
  • Tables should be comprehensible independently of the main text, with appropriate captions.

7. Acknowledgments (Submitted as a Separate Document)

To maintain anonymity during the double-blind review, acknowledgments should not be included in the main manuscript file. Instead, submit a separate Acknowledgments document with:

  • Recognition of individuals or organizations that contributed to the research.
  • Disclosure of funding sources (grant numbers, institutional support, etc.).
  • Any necessary permissions for copyrighted materials, datasets, or images.

8. References and Citation Format

  • References should follow the Vancouver style and be numbered in the order they appear in the text.
  • Journal titles should be abbreviated according to Index Medicus.
  • Reference numbers should be inserted as superscripts within the text (e.g., “as reported in previous studies¹”).

Example References

Journal Article:
Ahmed Y, Mwaba P, Chintu C, Grange JM, Ustianowski A, Zumla A. A study of maternal mortality at the University Teaching Hospital, Lusaka, Zambia: the emergence of tuberculosis as a major non-obstetric cause of maternal death. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 1999;3:675-680.

Whitby LG, Smith AF, Beckett GJ. Enzyme Tests in Diagnosis. In: Whitby LG, Smith AF, Beckett GJ, editors. Lecture Notes on Clinical Chemistry. 4th ed. Blackwell Scientific Publications; 1988. p. 103-127.

9. Ethical and Compliance Requirements

All submissions must comply with the journal’s ethical standards, including:

  • Ethical Approval: If the study involves human or animal subjects, institutional review board (IRB) approval must be documented. Submit a separate Ethical Approval Statement Form where applicable.
  • Conflict of Interest Disclosure: All authors must complete and submit a Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form.
  • Copyright Permissions: If using previously published figures, tables, or datasets, written permissions must be obtained from the copyright holders and submitted alongside the manuscript.

Open Access Statement and Copyright License

10. Submission Process and Review Timeline

  1. Manuscript Submission: Authors submit all required files through the online submission system.
  2. Editorial Screening: Initial checks for formatting, plagiarism, and adherence to author guidelines.
  3. Double-Blind Peer Review:
    • Reviewers evaluate the manuscript without knowledge of author identities.
    • Authors will receive constructive feedback and may be requested to revise their work.
  4. Decision Notification:
    • Accepted: The manuscript proceeds to publication.
    • Revisions Required: Authors address reviewer comments and resubmit.
    • Rejected: The manuscript does not meet the journal’s standards or scope.

The typical review process takes 2-4 weeks, with an initial editorial decision within 7 days.

11. Article Processing Charges (APCs) and Fees

  • If applicable, submission and publication fees will be outlined, including waiver policies for authors from low-income countries.

12. Submission and Review Process

Manuscripts should be submitted via the journal’s Submission Management System at To begin the submission process, authors must first register or log in to the journal’s submission portal. Once logged in, follow these steps:

  1. Start a New Submission – Click on the "Make a New Submission" button and select the appropriate article type (e.g., Original Research, Review Article, Case Report... etc).
  2. Upload Submission Files – Upload the main manuscript and any supplementary materials (e.g., figures, tables, research instruments, conflict of interest statements). Each file must be properly labeled.
  3. Enter Metadata – Provide the manuscript title, abstract, keywords, and author details. Ensure that all co-authors’ names, affiliations, and email addresses are accurately entered.
  4. Confirm Compliance – Check the submission against the journal’s Submission Checklist, ensuring adherence to formatting, ethical, and citation guidelines.
  5. Finalize Submission – Review all entered information before confirming the final submission. After submission, the corresponding author will receive a confirmation email with a unique manuscript ID.

Authors can track their manuscript’s progress by logging into their OJS account. The system will provide updates at each stage, including peer review, revisions, and final decision notifications. For technical support, contact our editorial office at [email protected].

  • The review process typically takes 2–4 weeks, with initial decisions provided within 7 days.
  • The journal operates a double-blind peer-review system.

13. Units of Measurement

  • All measurements must be reported in SI (Système International) units.

14. Galley Proofs and Offprints

  • Authors will receive galley proofs for final corrections.
  • Corrections should be strictly limited to printer errors.
  • Requests for offprints should be made when returning the corrected proofs.
  • Once published, articles remain the property of AJTMBR and may only be reproduced according to copyright agreements.

Final Notes

Authors must adhere to all these guidelines to avoid unnecessary delays in the review and publication process. If you have any questions regarding submission requirements, please contact the editorial office.

African Journal of Tropical Medicine and Biomedical Research (AJTMBR)

C/o Office of the Provost,
College of Health Sciences,
Delta  State University,
Abraka, Delta State,

[email protected]

Submission Preparation Checklist

Before starting the submission process, please ensure that your manuscript complies with the following requirements. Confirming that your submission meets these criteria will help expedite the review process.

General Requirements

Author Guidelines – This submission meets the requirements outlined in the Author Submission Guidelines.
Originality – This submission has not been previously published, nor is it under consideration by another journal.

Manuscript Preparation

Main Manuscript File (Anonymous - Download Sample Manuscript File) – The main manuscript must be completely anonymized to support the journal's double-blind peer review process. This means:

  • The manuscript file is in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) format.
  • The document follows the journal’s formatting guidelines (Times New Roman, 12-point font, single-spaced, 1-inch margins).
  • DO NOT include any author names, affiliations, acknowledgments, funding details, or other identifying information in this file.
  • A structured abstract (250-300 words) is included.
  • A list of 4-6 keywords for indexing is provided.

Author Information (Separate File - Download Sample Title Page )

Title Page and Author Details – Submitted as a separate document, this file must include:

  • Manuscript title.
  • Authors' full names and institutional affiliations.
  • Corresponding author's contact information (email, phone, and mailing address).
  • Acknowledgments and funding sources, if applicable.

Content Verification

Accuracy and Completeness – All references have been checked for accuracy and completeness.
Numbering and Labeling – All tables and figures are numbered and labeled correctly.
Figures and Tables (Download Figures & Tables Sample) – Figures and tables are:

  • Submitted as separate high-resolution files (JPEG, PNG for figures; Word for tables).
  • Clearly labeled and referenced within the text.

Ethical Approval (Download Ethical Approval Statement)– For studies involving human or animal subjects:

  • Ethical approval has been obtained from the appropriate ethics committee.
  • An ethical statement is included in the separate Title Page document, NOT in the main manuscript.

Permissions and Conflicts

Permissions – Written permission has been obtained for:

Conflict of Interest and Funding Disclosure Form – A completed Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form is included as a separate document.

Submission Components

Cover Letter (Download Sample Cover Letter)– A separate cover letter is included, summarizing:

  • The significance of the work.
  • A statement confirming its originality and compliance with journal policies.

Final Checks

Proofreading – The manuscript has been thoroughly proofread for grammar, punctuation, and style.
Author Agreement – All authors have:

  • Reviewed and approved the final version of the manuscript.
  • Agreed to the submission and publication terms.

Additional Considerations

Supplementary Material (Download Sample Supplementary File) – Any additional materials (e.g., research instruments, transcripts, datasets) have been:

  • Uploaded separately.
  • Clearly labeled and referenced in the manuscript.

Compliance – This submission adheres to all ethical guidelines and publishing standards of the African Journal of Tropical Medicine and Biomedical Research (AJTMBR).

By confirming that your submission meets these requirements, you help ensure a smooth and efficient review process.

All required forms and sample files have been compiled into a ZIP folder for your convenience. You can download the complete package from the link below:

Download Submission Package

This folder contains templates for all necessary documents, including the Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form, Ethical Approval Statement, Funding Disclosure Statement, Cover Letter, Author Contributions Statement, Data Availability Statement, Copyright Agreement, Title Page, Main Manuscript Sample, and Figures & Tables with Supplementary Materials.

Please ensure that you review and complete the relevant forms before submission.


The Original Articles section publishes high-quality, peer-reviewed research studies that present new findings in tropical medicine, biomedical sciences, and health research. Submissions must be based on rigorous scientific methodology and contribute significantly to the advancement of knowledge in the field.

Topics covered include but are not limited to:

  • Clinical and epidemiological studies
  • Laboratory and experimental research
  • Public health and primary healthcare interventions
  • Innovations in medical and health sciences
  • Interdisciplinary research linking health and social sciences

Submissions: Open to all authors. Manuscripts should adhere to standard research article formats, including structured abstracts, introduction, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion.

Peer Review: Double-blind peer review process to ensure scientific rigor and quality.


The Case Reports section publishes rare, novel, or educationally significant clinical cases that provide valuable insights into diagnostic challenges, treatment approaches, and disease presentations in tropical medicine and biomedical sciences. Reports should highlight unique patient presentations, innovative treatment approaches, or rare disease occurrences.

Submissions: Open to all authors. Manuscripts must follow the standard case report format, including patient history, clinical findings, investigations, diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up. Ethical approval and patient consent must be documented.

Peer Review: Subject to editorial review and external peer review to ensure clinical relevance and educational value.


The Guest Lecture section features invited lectures, keynote addresses, and scholarly discussions delivered by distinguished experts and leading researchers in tropical medicine and biomedical sciences. These lectures provide in-depth analysis, contemporary perspectives, and forward-looking insights on critical healthcare issues.

Submissions: This section is by invitation only, with selected experts contributing thought-provoking lectures or presentations.

Peer Review: Not subject to external peer review but evaluated by the Editorial Board for relevance and quality.


The Review Articles section publishes comprehensive and analytical reviews that synthesize existing research on key topics in tropical medicine, biomedical sciences, and global health. These articles should provide critical insights, identify research gaps, and propose future directions in the field.

Submissions may include:

  • Systematic Reviews & Meta-Analyses
  • Narrative Reviews
  • State-of-the-Art Reviews on specific medical or scientific advancements

Submissions: Open to all authors. Manuscripts should follow a structured approach, including a clear objective, methodology (if applicable), discussion, and conclusion.

Peer Review: Subject to double-blind peer review to ensure credibility and comprehensiveness.


The Letter to the Editor section serves as a platform for scholarly discussion, critique, and commentary on topics relevant to tropical medicine and biomedical sciences. Authors may submit letters that:

  • Offer insightful analysis or critique of articles recently published in African Journal of Tropical Medicine and Biomedical Research (AJTMBR).
  • Present brief yet impactful scientific observations related to emerging health challenges.
  • Highlight policy implications, ethical concerns, or clinical and research issues that require attention.
  • Provide clarifications or rebuttals in response to previous publications.

Submission Guidelines:

  • Maximum word count: 800 words (excluding references).
  • Maximum references: 10 (preferably from peer-reviewed sources).
  • Maximum authors: 3.
  • Must include a concise title, author details, and a conflict-of-interest statement.
  • Letters are subject to editorial review; responses from the original article authors may be invited.
  • Accepted letters may undergo minor edits for clarity and conciseness.


The Short Communications section is dedicated to the rapid dissemination of preliminary findings, novel techniques, case series, and pilot studies in tropical medicine and biomedical sciences. These brief yet high-impact articles provide early-stage scientific insights that contribute to ongoing research and clinical advancements.

Submission Guidelines:

  • Maximum word count: 2,500 words (excluding references and tables).
  • Maximum references: 20.
  • Maximum figures/tables: 4.
  • Abstract required: 150–200 words.
  • The study must present significant findings that justify publication despite being preliminary.
  • Manuscripts should be structured similarly to original research articles but may exclude extensive literature reviews.

Privacy Statement

The African Journal of Tropical Medicine and Biomedical Research (AJTMBR) is committed to protecting the privacy of our authors, reviewers, readers, and website users. This Privacy Statement explains how we collect, use, and protect personal information in accordance with applicable data protection laws.

1. Information We Collect

We collect the following personal data from users who interact with our website and services:

  • User Registration Data: Name, email address, institutional affiliation, and ORCID iD (if provided).

  • Manuscript Submission Data: Author details, co-author information, conflict of interest statements, and funding disclosures.

  • Reviewer Information: Contact details and academic expertise for peer review assignments.

  • Website Usage Data: Non-personal information such as IP address, browser type, and access logs, used for website optimization and security.

Additionally, the data collected from both registered and non-registered users falls within the scope of the standard functioning of peer-reviewed journals. It includes information necessary for communication during the editorial process, informs readers about authorship and content editing, and enables the collection of aggregated data on readership behaviors, as well as tracking geopolitical and social elements of scholarly communication.

2. How We Use Your Information

We use collected data for the following purposes:

  • Manuscript Processing & Publishing: To manage submissions, coordinate peer review, and publish accepted research.

  • Editorial & Peer Review Communication: To facilitate communication between authors, reviewers, and editors.

  • Journal Notifications: To inform registered users about new issues, calls for papers, and important announcements.

  • Website Improvements & Security: To analyze usage trends and enhance journal services.

This journal’s editorial team also uses collected data to guide its work in publishing and improving the journal. Data that contributes to the development of this publishing platform may be shared with its developer, Public Knowledge Project (PKP), in an anonymized and aggregated form, with appropriate exceptions such as article metrics. However, the data will neither be sold by AJTMBR or PKP, nor will it be used for purposes beyond those stated here. The authors published in this journal are responsible for any human subject data included in their research.

3. Data Sharing & Confidentiality

  • Strict Confidentiality: Submitted manuscripts, reviewer reports, and author data are kept confidential and accessed only by authorized editorial personnel.

  • No Third-Party Sharing: We do not sell, rent, or share personal data with third parties for marketing purposes.

  • Legal Compliance: If required by law, we may disclose information to regulatory authorities.

4. Data Security & Retention

  • Secure Systems: Personal data is stored on secure servers with access controls.

  • Retention Period: User data is retained as long as necessary for journal operations and compliance with record-keeping requirements.

  • User Rights: Users have the right to request data access, corrections, or deletion.

AJTMBR seeks to comply with industry standards for data privacy, including the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) provisions for "data subject rights," which include: (a) Breach notification (b) Right of access (c) Right to be forgotten (d) Data portability (e) Privacy by design

The GDPR also recognizes the "public interest in the availability of data," which is particularly relevant for maintaining the integrity of the scholarly publishing record.

5. Cookies & Tracking Technologies

We use cookies to enhance user experience and analyze website traffic. Users can adjust browser settings to disable cookies at any time.

6. Contact Us

If you have questions about our privacy policy or wish to request data updates or removal, please contact:

Email: [email protected]

African Journal of Tropical Medicine and Biomedical Research (AJTMBR)

C/o Office of the Provost,
College of Health Sciences,
Delta  State University,
Abraka, Delta State,