The Sociodemographic Characteristics And Outcomes of Teenage Pregnancy at the John. F. Kennedy (JFK) Maternity Center, Monrovia, Liberia


  • Odunvbun, W John F. Kennedy Maternity Center Author


Background: Teenage Pregnancy is a high-risk condition with adverse maternal and perinatal outcomes. The Literature suggests an increase in the global trend as a result of sociodemographic variables.

Aim: To determine the sociodemographic characteristics and pregnancy outcome among teenage mothers at John F. Kennedy Maternity Center.

Methods: A retrospective study involving evaluating obstetric records of teenage mothers at the JFK maternity center, Monrovia, from October 1, 2018, to September 30, 2019. Data was analyzed using IBM SPSS statistics for windows, version 20.

Results: Total antenatal registration was 5,560. Total delivery was 3,600, made up of 73.0% vaginal deliveries and 27.0% caesarean sections. Teenagers accounted for 11.6% and 4.0% of all pregnancies and deliveries, respectively. Compared to the general obstetric population, teenagers had fewer caesarean sections (21.0% versus 27.0%).  The mean age of subjects was 16.0 ± 1.1 years. About 50.0% (63/124) of the subjects were below 17 years, they were all single and mostly (90%) residing with their parents.  One-fifth (25/124) of the subjects had no formal education. All the pregnancies were not desired. About a quarter (29/124) had pregnancy-related complications. There were two perinatal deaths from cord prolapse and obstructed labour. Prenatal care was associated with less complication and improved foetal weight.  There was no mortality among subjects.

 Conclusion: This study established an institutional prevalence of teenage pregnancy of 11.6% and a delivery rate among teenage mothers of 4.0%.  A low level of education was associated with higher pregnancy complications, while booking status and prenatal care were associated with improved foetal weight.







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Sociodemographic Characteristics And Outcomes of Teenage Pregnancy at the John. F. Kennedy (JFK) Maternity Center, Monrovia, Liberia




How to Cite

The Sociodemographic Characteristics And Outcomes of Teenage Pregnancy at the John. F. Kennedy (JFK) Maternity Center, Monrovia, Liberia. AJTMBR [Internet]. 2022 May 9 [cited 2024 Oct. 22];5(1):54-63. Available from: