Production of L-lysine under submerged fermentation by Corynebacterium glutamicum using different plants' leaves


  • Theresa EZEDOM Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria Author
  • Egoamaka Oliseneku Egbune Author
  • Solomon Adanoritsewo Atseponu Author
  • Mary Ogochukwu Charles Author
  • Blessed Achugbue Benson Author
  • Diana Ebbah Author
  • Promise Chika Amechi Author
  • Oghenetega Benjamin Author
  • Akpevweoghene Rejoice Egbodje Author
  • Lucky Ebinum Author
  • Blessing Ifechi Chukwudozie Author
  • Stephen Eboe Author
  • Ifeanyi Benedict Alexander Author
  • Sophia Fejiro Edijana Author
  • Nyerhovwo Tonukari Author


Agricultural leaves, submerged fermentation, Corynebacterium glutamicum, extract, boiling


Introduction: This study investigated the production of L-lysine using Corynebacterium glutamicum and
various leaf extracts (cassava, palm tree, maize, cowpea, cocoyam, and plantain). The study also explored
the activities of amylases and proteases, as well as the levels of total soluble proteins, reducing sugars,
glucose, flavonoid and phenolic contents, and pH changes.

Materials and Methods: Different treatments (extract, boiled extract, extract + C. glutamicum, boiled
extract + C. glutamicum) were examined for their effects on L-lysine concentration. Additionally, the
activities of amylases and proteases, as well as levels of total soluble proteins, reducing sugars, glucose,
flavonoid and phenolic contents, and pH changes, were analyzed.

Results: Maize leaf extract + C. glutamicum exhibited the highest L-lysine concentration (1.771a±0.1
mg/g), while boiled cassava leaf extract showed the lowest concentration (0.023b±0.1 mg/g). Palm tree
leaf extract had significantly higher reducing sugar levels compared to other extracts. Boiled plantain leaf
extract fermented by C. glutamicum had the highest total soluble protein level (9.5±0.2 mg/g), while
cassava leaf extract had the lowest (2.1±1.2 mg/g).

Conclusion: Submerged fermentation of leaf extracts using C. glutamicum can be utilized for L-lysine
production. The study highlights the influence of different leaf extracts and treatments on L-lysine
production, as well as on amylase and protease activities, total soluble protein levels, reducing sugars,
glucose, flavonoid and phenolic contents, and pH values. These findings provide valuable insights into
the potential application of this approach for lysine production.


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How to Cite

Production of L-lysine under submerged fermentation by Corynebacterium glutamicum using different plants’ leaves. AJTMBR [Internet]. 2023 Jun. 5 [cited 2024 Oct. 23];6(1):12-24. Available from: