Role of Tympanometry in the Diagnosis of Hearing Impairment in Children with Otitis Media and Effusion


  • Dr Nekwu Emmanuel Okolugbo Author


Tympanometry, Otitis Media with Effusion, Hearing Impairment


Background: To determine if Tympanometry can be used to diagnose hearing impairment in children with otitis media with effusion.

Method: A six month prospective study of school children aged between 5 and 7 years in the selected primary schools. Techniques of data collection included otoscopy, tympanometry and screening audiometry.

Results: Showed that tympanometry correctly identified cases without hearing impairment. Conclusion: That tympanometry may be suggested as screening tool for younger children with Otitis Media with Effusion especially in developing countries thereby reducing cost implications tor these patients.

Author Biography

  • Dr Nekwu Emmanuel Okolugbo

    Department of Surgery,

    Delta State University, Abraka,

    PMB 1.

    Abraka, Delta State Nigeria.

    Phone number: +2348038011767


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How to Cite

Okolugbo, NE. Role of Tympanometry in the Diagnosis of Hearing Impairment in Children with Otitis Media and Effusion. AJTMBR [Internet]. 2020 Nov. 3 [cited 2025 Feb. 5];1(4):37-40. Available from: