Management of Ear Infections by Primary Healthcare Workers


  • Olamuyiwa Babalola Author
  • Adebolajo Adeyemo University of Ibadan Author



Childhood, Ear infection, Hearing loss, Primary Health Care, Health Workers


Introduction: Ear infections are prevalent in children, and inadequate management of these infections by Primary Health Care Workers (PHCWs) contributes significantly to the burden of hearing loss. This study assessed PHCWs’ knowledge and management practices of Childhood Ear Infections (CEI).

Materials and Method: The cross-sectional study used a semi-structured, self-administered questionnaire to elicit responses on knowledge and practice of CEI from 120 PHCWs working in urban and peri-urban areas in southwest Nigeria. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics.

Result: The mean knowledge and practice scores were 27.2±4.7 and 9.7±2.9 respectively. Good and poor knowledge scores were seen in 14% and 4% of respondents respectively while 55% of respondents had poor practice scores. Knowledge was significantly associated with job cadre and the level of education was associated with CEI management practice.

Conclusion: PHCWs lack adequate knowledge of CEI, highlighting the need for continuous in-service training and mentorship in CEI management for all PHCWs.


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How to Cite

Babalola O, Adeyemo A. Management of Ear Infections by Primary Healthcare Workers. AJTMBR [Internet]. 2025 Jan. 28 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];7(1):30-9. Available from:

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