Vol. 1 No. 1: African Journal of Tropical Medicine and Biomedical Research March 2010

African Journal of Tropical Medicine and Biomedical Research is the official Journal of the College of Health Sciences, Delta State University, Abraka. This is the maiden edition of the journal and it is our hope and aspiration that manuscripts accepted for publication will undergo extensive copy editing, typesetting and reference validation to provide the highest publication quality possible.
Our aim is to produce a high quality Journal that will stand the test of time. The Journal welcomes articles reporting on original research of both quantitative and qualitative studies. Comprehensive review articles on all aspects of tropical medicine and biomedical sciences will also be given a pride of place.
With the birth of this Journal, our gestational period as a Medical School is now over and we look forward with enthusiasm to the period of growth and maturation. This Journal will serve as an avenue to show case to the world our scientific contribution to knowledge as a Medical School.
It is our intention to maintain the high standards both in quality and consistency. Finally, let me congratulate the editorial board members and most especially Dr. Lawrence Omo-Aghoja for a marvelous input into this edition. Please keep the flag flying.
Prof. P.S. Igbigbi M.D, FASN