Patterns of Hysterosalpingographic Findings at a Tertiary Hospital in South-South, Nigeria:
A Three Year Review
Hysterosalpingography, Infertility, Contrast-ImagingAbstract
Introduction: Hysterosalpingography (HSG) is an investigative tool for assessing the morphology of the uterine cavity and more importantly tubal patency in the routine workup of infertile females. This study aimed to highlight the indications for this imaging technique and the patterns of its findings at Delta State University Teaching Hospital, Oghara.
Materials and methods: A cross-sectional review of one hundred and seventy-five reports of women referred to the Radiology department for HSG over a 3-year period; January 2012 - December 2014.
Results: Infertility was by far the most common indication for undergoing an HSG; as seen in 145 (82%) of the women studied. Secondary infertility was the predominant type of infertility accounting for 127 (87.6%) of all cases of infertility for HSG. While nearly half of all HSG records, 79 (45.4%) showed tubal blockage, four-fifths (80.4%) had abnormal-sized uterus.
Conclusion: HSGs done at DELSUTH showed a wide array of findings. Infertility was the most common indication for referral as was the case in many similar studies from developing countries. Tubal blockage and abnormal uterine size were the most common findings and although suspected uterine anomaly was the indication for over a tenth of the referrals, there was no case of congenital anomaly detected among the patients in this three-year review.
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